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Responsibilities of Functional Positions

The general duties and responsibilities in the office are distributed as follows:

Responsibility of Director

The Director works under close supervision and guidance of the President. As the President is in overall charge of both the administrative and academic branches of the University, the range of duties and responsibilities of the Director extends over a wide area in addition to the management of his own office. He will attend all meetings chaired or presided over by the President and sometimes he will represent the President at these meetings and report back to him. Matters to be dealt with by the Director will therefore be diverse and unlimited and generally subjects covered will include appointments, budget estimates, staff discipline and complaints within the sphere of administration on one side and curriculum, student discipline, scholarships, teachers' performance etc under academic jurisdiction on the other.
The Director will keep himself supplied with all details pertaining to significant and substantive work assignments undertaken by departments such as the Registration, Financial Management, Administrative Office, Student Affairs, Faculties and Graduate Schools. He will arrange monitoring and surveillance procedures to ensure that work schedules of all these departments and offices are taken up and completed in time, all plans and projects are started and accomplished satisfactorily, all information and reports are furnished to the President regularly. The Director in fact will be concerned with all important functions and operations of the entire university and he will be a trouble-shooter, a prodder, prompter, proxy and a factotum for the President all rolled into one.

Major Responsibilities of Director
The major responsibilities of the Director include:

  • Supervising and controlling every tasks performed by the office.
  • Coordinating and facilitating among the President and President Emeritus especially constructions of Bang Na campus the project. 
  • Other jobs assigned by the President.
  • Works under close supervision and guidance of the President 
  • Attend all meetings chaired or presided over by the President 
  • Operations of the entire university and departments such as Registration, Financial Management, Administrative Office, Student Affairs, ITS, Faculties and Graduate Schools.

Responsibility of Secretary

The secretaries review the correspondence including faxes, mails and emails and submit them to the President with references, with previous papers and files where necessary. When such incoming correspondence is seen by the President and he has given instructions for taking initiatives, the secretaries must proceed to take action as directed. Simple letters of acknowledgement and memos expressing thanks, confirmation of interviews and meetings are drafted and issued by the secretaries after obtaining signatures of the President or the Director.
In addition to receiving and handing inward letters and dispatching outward correspondence, the secretaries deal with phone calls and take action in each case appropriately. They will also ensure that the chambers of the President, the office of the director and their own rooms are spick and span. The timetables, schedules and other activities are attended to with promptitude and decorum and the general conduct and discipline of the office are in topnotch meaning that there is no room for any inefficiency, ineptitude, impropriety or sluggishness.
Important letters involving points of principle, financial implications and other complex matters would be referred to the director who will draft replies and answers after obtaining specific instructions, checking references and verifying sources and so on.

Major Responsibilities of Secretary

The major responsibilities of the Secretary Office include:

  • Producing and issuing outgoing memorandums, letters, announcements, and other documents, and delivering them to related offices and departments while keeping copies of these documents for future references.
  • Receiving incoming documents from departments both inside and outside the University. Information about each incoming documents including the document filing number is first recorded into the incoming document log book. This information is used when returning the documents back to the originating department. After the information is recorded, the document will be placed in the folder to be presented to the President for signing and approval.
  • Handling incoming telephone calls and coordinating with related departments as appropriate.
  • Managing appointment schedule and producing printed appointment schedule for the President.
  • Preparing the meetings, issuing meeting invitation letters, and filing of meeting-related documents.
  • Acquiring necessary office equipment and stationeries
  • Preparing financial budgets for the Office and the President
  • Updating personal information related to the President
  • Contacting and coordinating with other offices, departments and organizations as assigned

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Office of the President 
De Montfort Building (D Building) 2nd Floor
Tel: 02-3004553-62 ext. 1110, 1148 
Fax: 02-719-1949
Office hour: Monday – Friday 8.30-17.00 hrs.

Office of the President Emeritus
Assumption Building (A Building) 2nd Floor
Tel: 02-3004553-62 ext. 1302 
Fax: 02-300-4552
Office hour: Monday – Friday 8.00-16.30 hrs.